Wednesday, June 14, 2006


This is a response to the book “Eccentrics”, part of the Critical Reading Series.

The stories in this book are truly hard to believe. I am assuming that all of the profiles of these "eccentric "people are supposed to be true. After reading the entire book, there are definitely some stories that are more interesting than others. The book though is good in its entirety.
I think of all the stories in this collection, the story about Hetty Green is, without a doubt, my favorite. Hetty inherited over two million dollars in 1865, making her the richest woman in the United States. Amazingly, by 1900 she was worth an estimated 100 million. Most people with this kind of income lead at least comfortable lives, not Hetty Green. She was so stingy that she walked the streets with matted hair and wore rags everywhere she went. She carried sandwiches with her so as not to have to eat in a restaurant and pay for the food. She married into more money and had two children. This family by no means changed her ways. After separating from her husband, she lived in bug-infested shacks with her children. Her terribly cheap ways, eventually led to her son having to have his leg amputated because she would not pay to see a doctor.
If this story is interesting to you, pick up this book and enjoy. It is full of people who led their lives differently than what is considered the ‘norm’. Page after page will leave you wondering about all the eccentrics in the world and the strange things they do.
Happy Reading !DiAnna


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