Friday, June 09, 2006

"Calamities" Critical Reading Series

Critical Reading Series, “Calamities”, Jamestown Publishers, Sabotage in the Desert, pp.76-83
The book I read was called Calamities. I really enjoyed reading this book; it is about 21 disastrous events that have happened around the world. I read several of the stories out of it and it is amazing some of the things that have happened and people are still alive to tell about it. I actually remember when some of the disasters took place. Most of them I had no idea had ever happened and a few of them brought tears to my eyes. The first story I read titled, Sabotage in the Desert is about an Amtrak train someone had deliberately sabotaged. The saboteur had taken up 29 spikes and 4 bolts from the track. Then rewired the track connection so the train’s engineer had no clue anything was wrong. Amazingly, only one person died from this tragic event. After reading the stories there are several different activities that will help you comprehend the reading.
By Shannon


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