Friday, June 09, 2006

Wild Side: "In the Line Of Duty"

As I was reading stories from the book Wild Side ,In the Line of Duty, I could hardly believe the stories had actually happened. On page 92 began the story of, Nurses on the Front Line. This was a very heart-warming, about true events of the war in the Philippines. In reading this I learned different meanings of words such as: 1.) endured meant they suffered from, 2.) grueling – very difficult, and 3.) liberated- freed. I took the meaning as more than one meaning as well. The word grueling meant long and difficult according to the understanding I received.
Also in Lesson 14, pages 130-132 was a very interesting story about Fallen Heros. This story gave me an aspect of how other people’s lives are sometimes taken for granted, while on the other hand people are commended for the things that they do. The main idea of this story was telling how two people took for granted the lives of others, while others were grateful for the lives that they were willing to give.
I recommend reading this book in learning about people willing to give their life to the life of others, no matter what it takes.
by Christina


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